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Complex Numbers

Semesterabschlussfeier am Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik. Studierende und Promovierende profitieren von der Einbindung in interdisziplinäre Projekte und der unmittelbaren Nähe zu den Fachbereichen Physik; Chemie, Biologie und Pharmazie.

Graduation ceremony at the Department of Mathematics & Computer Science. Students benefit from involvement in interdisciplinary projects and close proximity to the depts. of physics, chemistry, biology, and pharmacy.
Image Credit: Christian Zick

Am Gebäude des Instituts für Mathematik in der Arnimallee ist ein Ausschnitt der Zahl Pi zu sehen.

Part of the number pi is painted on the wall of the mathematics building on Arnimallee.
Image Credit: Christian Zick

Mathematics and computer science play a crucial role in solving complex problems in the sciences and engineering, in industry, and society. Freie Universität Berlin offers students a wide range of degree programs in mathematics, computer science, and bioinformatics.

News from Feb 26, 2014

At the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science students have an opportunity to pursue their interests within various degree programs including international ones. Both undergraduate and graduate students stand to benefit from involvement in interdisciplinary projects and the close proximity to the Department of Physics, the Department of Chemistry, Biology, and Pharmacy, and the Zuse Institute Berlin on the Dahlem campus.

Research at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Research at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science often occurs in cooperation with other disciplines and institutions such as the Berlin Mathematical School, the DFG Research Center Matheon, and the German Center for Teacher Education in Mathematics. As of 2014 the activities in these three institutions will be consolidated within the Einstein Center for Mathematics.

One example of a successful working relationship with non-university institutions is the International Max Planck Research School for Computational Biology and Scientific Computing, which under the umbrella of Dahlem Research School provides outstanding graduate students with a structured doctoral program in the life sciences. It is taught in English. Another example is the Research Forum on Public Safety and Security, founded in 2009 and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education. Based at Freie Universität, it is aimed at bringing together separate research projects and the work of different disciplines and institutions that deal with public safety and security.

In addition to the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, there are eleven other academic departments and four central institutes at Freie Universität:

Academic Departments

Central Institutes