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Education and the Future

Während der Uni schneller und länger in die Schule: In Berlin soll das Praxissemester Bestandteil des Lehramtsmasterstudiums werden.

The department offers students a wide range of excellent training and research in the fields of education and psychology.
Image Credit: MorgueFile

Im Nightingale-Projekt erkunden Lehramtsstudierende der Freien Universität und Kreuzberger Grundschulkinder mit Migrationshintergrund gemeinsam Berlin.

In the Nightingale Project, college students at Freie Universität who are learning to become teachers are paired with elementary school students with an immigrant background, and they explore Berlin together.
Image Credit: Melanie Hansen

The Department of Education and Psychology at Freie Universität Berlin includes the discipline of psychology as well as those of education and elementary education. The university's Center for Teacher Education is also part of this department.

News from Jun 17, 2014

An outstanding feature of the Department of Education and Psychology is its practice-oriented education and close cooperation with schools. In its Division of Developmental Science and Applied Developmental Psychology, for example, an anti-bullying program was developed for use in schools. Called fairplayer.manual, it is being used in schools across Germany.

The Nightingale Project, a mentoring program to support schoolchildren with migration background, was developed at the Division of Primary Education. Working on a one-to-one basis, it helps break down barriers to education and also establishes mutual understanding.

The sub-departments of Psychology and Education and Elementary Education offer students a wide range of excellent training and research in the fields of education and psychology. In addition to four different bachelor's degree programs related to education and psychology, the department also offers 13 master's programs ranging from research on education, schools, teaching, and media to evaluation and quality control as well as further education and educational management.

In the area of psychology, students can earn degrees in, for example, Work, Occupational and Organizational Psychology; Health Psychology; or Public Health. Beginning with the fall/winter semester 2010/11, there is a new consecutive master's degree program being taught in English, Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN), which was developed in cooperation with Freie Universität's Excellence Cluster Languages of Emotion.

At the Center for Teacher Education students are prepared for the teaching profession, and teachers are given additional training. The European Master in Intercultural Education and the European Master in Children’s Rights focus on intercultural education and global children's rights.

Thanks to a mentoring program, university students are accompanied in crucial phases of their studies – beginning with a targeted and individual academic advising system and continuing with support as they being academic work.

In addition to the Department of Education and Psychology, there are eleven other academic departments and four central institutes at Freie Universität:

Academic Departments

Central Institutes