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Requirements for an Erasmus+ Study abroad

1. Erasmus cooperation agreement

  • There must be an interinstitutional agreement between the Freie Universität Berlin and the partner university in the relevant subject (no arbritariness in the choice of a host university/ subject at the host university). The length of stay (1-2 semesters) and the study level (BA/ BSc, MA/Msc or Doc) are also part of bilateral agreements.
If there is no cooperation agreement between your university of choice and your institute, you cannot apply through a contract from another institute at which you are not studying.

Information about exchange places for 2022/23
At the beginning of the academic year 2022/23, the EU Commission requires the use of the platform 'Erasmus without Paper' as a mandatory tool for the conclusion of Erasmus+ exchange contracts (inter-institutional agreements), which are the basis for any student mobility.
Unfortunately, this introduction is not going smoothly and the tool is not functioning across the board. Therefore, not all Erasmus+ places that we would like to make available to you could be contractually secured with the partner universities in time before the start of applications for the academic year 2022/23.
We hope to be able to ensure this by the start of the first stays abroad from August 2022.
For this reason, however, we would like to point out that you will be selected for the Erasmus+ place subject to the conclusion of a valid Erasmus+ exchange contract with the partner university by the time you start your stay abroad.

2. Duration of Stay

An Erasmus study stay should last a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 12 months, which without exception must be within a funding period (June 1 to September 30 of the following year). The minimum period of stay of 3 months may only be undercut if a partner university offers trimesters or terms that are shorter. 

Students may complete one or more mobility periods per study cycle. A total of 12 months can be funded per study cycle:

  • Bachelor: 12 months
  • Master: 12 months
  • Doctoral studies: 12 months

In the case of single-cycle programs (Staatsexamen, Diplom, Magister), the student mobility phase can total up to 24 months, with a maximum of 12 months within one funding period.

Please note that mobility periods already completed under the LLP-Erasmus+ program (internship, study) will be counted towards the maximum period of 12 months/24 months.

3. Who is allowed to study abroad with Erasmus+

Students who are fully enrolled at Freie Universität Berlin and are studying a subject leading to a recognized academic degree (up to and including a doctorate).

Students can start an Erasmus study abroad program at the earliest in the second year of a university degree program (Bachelor's degree/state examination in the 3rd semester, Master's degree in the 2nd semester).

The study period abroad must be part of the student's study program leading to a recognized academic degree.
In special cases, funding through an Erasmus study placement is possible even if no study project is implemented during the stay that is recognized at Freie Universität Berlin as an achievement within the current study program. In this case, you will not receive any financial support from the Erasmus+ program, but you will receive a mobility allowance as a subsidy for your stay costs.

4. Students with special needs

Students with special needs (disability, accompanying child) can apply for special funds for their Erasmus+ stay abroad to the Erasmus team. It is advisable to contact the Erasmus team at an early stage, if necessary even before the decentralized Erasmus coordinators have confirmed an Erasmus place, in order to receive detailed advice.

5. Combining an Exchange with an Internship

Study and internship can be combined within the framework of a single study period abroad (SMS - Student Mobility Study) if the following conditions are met:

  • the internship takes place under the supervision of the host university where the student is studying, the internship period must be included in the Learning Agreement,
  • the internship and the studies immediately follow each other in terms of time and are completed in the same funding year.

This combination of internship and study will be counted as one SMS period. The combination of the parts can be chosen arbitrarily. There is no specification for the time ratio, apart from the fact that the maximum duration of 12 months in total may not be exceeded within one study cycle.