General Information Concerning Application
Freie Universität offers a wide range of study programs. Please see the link for detailed information concerning study programs.
Many of the programs toward the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science offered at Freie Universität Berlin consist of a core subject and either two modules, with 30 credit points (Leistungspunkte, LP) required in each, or one module of 60 credit points. Your application for such a combination bachelor’s degree program is not complete unless you have applied for both: the core subject and the module(s); only then will your application be considered in the admission process. Note: please always check in advance the possibilities of combinations (available in German only) whether the desired combination of core subject and module(s) is valid.
For combination bachelor’s degree programs without restricted admission capacity, an application within the application period is required also.
The “mono,” or single-subject, bachelor’s degree programs have only one study subject.
If you earned your university entrance qualification in a country other than Germany, but are already enrolled in a core subject at Freie Universität Berlin and would like to apply for one or more new module/s only, please use for the application the internal procedure of the university normally used by applicants with German HZB (university entrance qualification). For all other applications, please note the information below under “Application via uni-assist”.
Some study programs require specific language skills, which have to be proven within enrollment at Freie Universität Berlin. For more information see “Specific Requirements for Admission to Freie Universität Berlin”.
For single-subject bachelor's degree programs (mono-bachelor) without restricted admission capacity (non-impacted programs) applicants should apply at enrollment to the Student Records and Registration Office without submitting an application for admission.
Application via uni-assist
If you earned your university entrance qualification in a country other than Germany, you are required to submit your application to Freie Universität Berlin via uni-assist. Uni-assist reviews whether the application meets the formal and subject-specific prerequisites established by Freie Universität Berlin. Uni-assist is not responsible for carrying out selection procedures.
The preliminary examination by uni-assist is with costs. Your application to uni-assist will not be processed unless the fee is paid to the account of uni-assist.
Please note:
In general, the processing of an application takes about four to six weeks, towards the end of the application period it takes even longer. Therefore, we recommend submitting your application as soon as possible before the deadline. Otherwise you cannot be informed about missing documents by uni-assist in time. Handed in documents after the deadline cannot be taken into consideration. The application deadline was met, when all required documents reached uni-assist within the deadline and your application is complete, irrespective of the evaluation time by uni-assist.
You can use the confirmation letter by uni-assist to apply for a study visa at the German embassy in your home country.
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