Study Funding
The organization of your studies also includes planning the financing. Students can take advantage of various funding opportunities if they meet the respective requirements.
The best known option is the funding under the Federal Training Assistance Act - Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz (BAföG) (in German). Berlin students should contact the Sozialberatung (social counseling) of the studierendenWERK BERLIN directly for advice and application. You can get information and counseling on general and social law questions regarding the financing of your studies, including grants or loans in a special emergency situation. These topics can also be clarified at the Asta.
High-performing and talented students can also be supported by the Deutschlandstipendium (Germany Scholarship). In addition, there are various private and public foundations aiming at very different groups and support scholarship holders mostly for special professional or social achievements - not just financially: Stiftungsindex des Bundesverbands Deutscher Stiftungen (Federal Association of German Foundations), Stipendium europaweit (scholarships Europe-wide), Stipendiendatenbank des BMBF (scholarship database of the BMBF - in German) as well as Aufstiegsstipendium für Berufserfahrene (advancement scholarship for professionals - in German) and others.
Students can also use a loan to finance their studies. Before admission, it is essential to obtain the relevant information and compare the various offers. A Bildungskredit (education loan - in German) can be granted through the federal education loan program. The KfW-Förderbank also grants KfW-Studienkredite (student loans - in German). There are also numerous credit institutions under private law.
As a non-profit organization, the Studentische Darlehenskasse e.V. of Freie Universität Berlin can temporarily support certain target groups with a loan.
Freie Universität publishes job offers for students in its Stellenanzeiger. In addition, there is a job and internship exchange at the Career Service of Freie Universität Berlin and there is the student job placement service "effektiv". The Studierendenwerk also has an employment agency. If you want to start your own company, you can get support from Freie Universität's „profund" start-up funding.