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Dec. 9, 2020 | „Weihnachten in Berlin – wer feiert wie?“ – German Language and Culture for Intermediate Learners (B1 through B3) – LIVE! at 6 p.m. CET (Central European Time)

Willkommen in der Vorweihnachtszeit in Berlin! Wir laden Sie ein, verschiedene Bräuche unterschiedlicher Kulturen in unserer Stadt zu dieser Jahreszeit kennenzulernen. This interactive session for learners of German on an Intermediate level will introduce you to different festivities and rituals in multicultural Berlin, but also look at childhood traditions kept alive by families and singles in the big city. You will learn and understand a classic Christmas poem and song and eventually be able to extend and politely accept an invitation to celebrate together (as well as understand which present to bring). Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Instructor: Thomas Wiederhold
Regular FU-BEST Courses: FU-BEST German Language Courses (7 Levels of Proficiency from Beginner 1 through Advanced 2) 

Please register here until December 2, 2020.

For reasons of data protection, our live German language sessions will not be recorded; however, you can watch a general introduction to the FU-BEST German Language Program here.