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Berlin Wissenschaftspreis 2019; Klung Wilhelmy Science Award 2019; Temporal Communities

Jan 13, 2020

Professor Beatrice Gründler

Professor Beatrice Gründler
Image Credit: Bernd Wannenmacher

Berlin Wissenschaftspreis 2019

Governing Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, presents Berlin’s most well remunerated science award, the Berlin Wissenschaftspreis, to Professor Beatrice Gründler. Her research focuses on classical Arabic literature and its socio-historical contexts.

Klung Wilhelmy Science Award 2019

Ceremony Klung Wilhelmy Science Award 2019

Ceremony Klung Wilhelmy Science Award 2019
Image Credit: Michael Fahrig

Physicist Titus Neupert receives the Klung Wilhelmy Science Award for outstanding research in the field physics for his work on topological phases of matter using analytical and numerical methods.

Cluster of Excellence “Temporal Communities”

Spokespersons Professors Andrew James Johnston and Anita Traninger

Spokespersons Professors Andrew James Johnston and Anita Traninger
Image Credit: Miriam Klingl

The Cluster of Excellence “Temporal Communities” commences its work reconceptualizing global literature with the idea that literature’s temporal entanglements crucially contribute to it becoming global.

Further information: www.temporal-communities.de