Databases Provided by Freie Universität Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin provides a large selection of databases for the users of its libraries (see: Terms of use for electronic resources), including bibliographic information, full-text archives, facts and image databases, video archives and more.
Databases should be used in addition to the Library Portal Primo, in order to find sources that are not yet contained in Primo.
The databases of Freie Universität Berlin are maintained in the Database Information System (DBIS, URL: DBIS is a cooperative service for the use of scientific databases that was developed by the University Library of Regensburg.
Over 300 libraries are involved in the Database Information System.
Search entries
- Databases by subject
- Advanced search
- Trial Access (limited time offer)
- Collections
Users can suggest databases for acquisition. In most cases the University Library will be able to at least procure access for a trial period. Contact:
Via our Biblioblog (German only) you can subscribe to an RSS feed about new databases and databases on trial.