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Staying informed about Freie Universität

Staying informed about Freie Universität

In addition to the biannual Alumni Magazine wir, alumni have access to an extensive range of news sources and publications to stay informed about new developments, research, and campus life at Freie Universität and in the scientific community:

  • The monthly campus.leben Newsletter is sent out to German-speaking alumni via email.
  • The quarterly International Newsletter delivers news from Dahlem to English-speaking alumni.
  • Six times per year, the Tagesspiegel newspaper supplement presents new research results, profiles researchrs, and reports about important events at Freie Universität.
  • Fundiert, the biannual research magazine of Freie Universität, is devoted to a particular theme. Various aspects of the theme are covered, based on research conducted in different departments at Freie Universität.
  • Alumni may use the Freie Universität and Alumni Network social media channels to network and receive updates about Freie Universität integrated into media they are already using.

Alumni auf Facebook

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Alumni auf LinkedIn
