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V: Vakanzprofessur (Substitute Professor) to Versicherung (Insurance)

Vakanzprofessur (Substitute Professor)

See: Gastprofessur (Visiting Professor)

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Veranstaltung (Event)

See: Besucherbetreuung (Visitor Support and Hospitality)

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See: Erstattung (Refunds)

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Veränderung von Ansprüchen (Changes to Claims)

1. A write-off is an administrative measure which permanently discontinues the further pursuit of a claim that is due and payable.

2. A deferral is a measure which defers the due date of a claim until a later time. A deferral is only granted upon request. When the deferral is granted, a deferment period is specified.

3. A waiver is a measure that waives a claim that is due and payable. When a waiver is granted, the claim is discharged and no longer valid.

Staff members authorized by the Director of Administration and Finance to grant waivers for claims are required to comply with the AV (Regulatory Statutes) for Section 59 LHO (Berlin State Budget Code) as well as FU Newsletter H 06/2001.

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Vergabeverfahren(Negotiated Procedure)

See: Auftragserteilung (Order Placement / Awarding of Contracts)

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Verkauf (Sales)

See: Aussonderung (Disposal of Assets); Inventarisierung (Inventory)

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Verrechnung (Intercompany Billing)

Intercompany billing is used for the proportional payment of costs and internal FU Berlin services between two administrative units. Examples of intercompany billing include the provision of connections in a wired data network and in the ZEDAT telephone network, where proportional costs are settled on a per connection basis. The billing is done quarterly in the following quarter.

See: Umbuchung (Re-posting/Transfer)

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Versicherung (Insurance)

For information on the insurance coverage in place at Freie Universität Berlin, please refer to FU Newsletter H 02/2004. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Jargstorf (ext. 54286) in the II C 14 unit.

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