Forms, Info Sheets, and Help with Applications
- Application advice responsibilities (pdf)
- Coordination of research projects: tasks and requirements for incumbents (pdf)
- Application for Funding Organizations at USA (NSF, NIH)
Pursuant to section 25 (3) of the Framework Act on Higher Education (HRG), members of the university are obligated to notify the higher education institution of their external funding projects. This means that the notice form must be submitted to the relevant associate at the central university administration of Freie Universität Berlin even before an externally funded project is submitted.
- Please use the electronic project announcement with access in the campus network: Elsa-Portal
- Only for members of Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum: Please use this form (PDF / DOCX)
- Guideline for the electronic project announcement (PDF, German version)
- Please use this form only (in German and English), if you do not have a working contract with Freie Universität Berlin and you are missing access to the campus network (Elsa-Portal).
a. Help with planning for hiring personnel with external funding
b. Forms
- Guide to completing forms
- Job posting: 1. Online application form
- Job posting: 2. General info (pdf)
- Request to hire employees (pdf)
- Request to hire student assistants (pdf)
- Declaration regarding doctoral study periods and employment relationships (pursuant to section 2 (3) of the Act on Fixed-Term Agreements in Academia (WissZeitVG) (pdf)
- Aid to completing the declaration regarding doctoral study periods and employment relationships (pdf)
- Annex for contracts for work and services with private individuals (pdf, can be filled out online)
Detailed information and forms regarding visiting scholars and scientists at Freie Universität Berlin and regarding scholarships and grants are available from this website (in German, forms in German and English).
Non-earmarked Donations:
Non-earmarked donations up to the amount of 200 euros can be transferred directly to the account established for this purpose by Freie Universität Berlin at Berliner Bank, IBAN DE35 1007 0848 0512 1587 00, BIC: DEUTDEDB110.
In the space for the purpose of the transfer (Verwendungszweck), please state the ten-digit fund number for non-earmarked donations for the area or unit that you wish to receive the money and the word “Spende” (donation).
For non-earmarked donations of 201 euros or more, please use the sample letter for non-earmarked donations to Freie Universität Berlin that follows in addition to this.
For further information on non-earmarked donations and how they are handled at Freie Universität Berlin, please see the relevant info sheet:
Detailed information and info sheets about EU-research funding are available from this website (in German).
- Establishing a project assistant position (pdf)