What do the teacher training programs at Freie Universität Berlin have to offer?
As a professional educator you will not only help children and adolescents better understand the world around them but also give them the tools they need to shape it themselves. The degree programs at Freie Universität are the ideal preparation for this important responsibility. The academic knowledge you acquire here goes hand in hand with practical experience in the classroom.
The academic training you need to become an excellent teacher
Teachers-in-training at Freie Universität receive a rigorous education in their academic fields and the field of educational science. The curriculum is accompanied by subject-specific training in pedagogy. The academic training and knowledge that you will acquire during your degree program paves the way for you to think critically about the education system and teaching, while equipping you with the skills to create engaging learning environments and lesson plans founded on state-of-the-art research.
Dynamic teaching through critical thinking
As a teacher you will encounter many different situations in your classroom and within the broader education community. You will want to be ready to respond to any number of encounters or contexts with a high level of professionalism, which is why the teacher-training degree programs at Freie Universität include a wide variety of practical components, such as video analyses of classroom teaching, simulated parent-teacher conferences, or hands-on educational activities with school children. Our programs emphasize the importance of reflecting critically on teaching as both a profession and a practice with the aim of helping you become the best educator you can be.
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Advising and Support
Are you a teacher-in-training and have questions about your program? We might just have some answers for you!
Study Abroad
Freie Universität has lots of options for students who want to complete part of their teacher-training degree while spending a semester abroad.
The Dahlem School of Education is deeply invested in ensuring that all students are treated equally and have equal opportunities to participate in our campus community and beyond. The school strives to create an atmosphere for teachers-in-training where everyone feels appreciated, where everyone is treated with respect, and where people approach each other with open minds. The Dahlem School of Education opposes all forms of discrimination.
Institute for School Quality
The Institute for School Quality in the Federal States of Berlin and Brandenburg (ISQ e.V.)an organization that focuses on improving education in the two states. As an independent research organization situated at Freie Universität Berlin, it works together closely with the Department of Education and Psychology. Thanks to this working relationship, students enrolled at the university can take advantage of various ISQ resources in preparation for their later career as educators.