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Prehistoric Archaelology

- Master´s programs

Department of History and Cultural Studies
Ancient Studies
Prehistoric Archaeology
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolfram Schier
Fabeckstr. 23-25
14195 Berlin

For admittance to the master’s program applicants need to fulfill the following admission requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in archaeology with an emphasis on prehistoric archaeology or an equivalent degree that corresponds to the bachelor’s program in prehistoric archaeology at Freie Universität Berlin.

  • Proof of English skills (level B2 CEFR) for applicants whose first language is not English and whose degree was not obtained at an institution of higher education where English was the language of instruction.

The DSH - or German Language University Entrance Exam for Foreign Students - is obligatory for all applicants whose first language is not German and who have earned their initial degree from a university (or equivalent institution) where the language of instruction is not German.

Students do not pay any tuition fees, the university only charges semester fees and contributions each semester.

Prehistoric archaeology is concerned with the material and intellectual culture of early man. Its scope stretches from the birth of mankind to the ages with sufficient written sources. As an archaeological discipline, it forms an intersection between history and the natural sciences. In the master’s program in prehistoric archaeology, in-depth expert knowledge, the mastering of archaeological working methods, analytical experience for independent academic work, the ability to reconstruct fragmentary evidence, as well as media and presentation competence are taught.

The excavations and the research projects of the prehistoric archaeology examine various topics from the stone ages to the middle ages. A focus of the research can be found in middle and southeast Europe. In addition, archaeozoology is since 25 years integrated in the institute.  Modern and natural scientific methods are also implemented in various projects. Honorary professors from other archaeological institutions in Berlin and Brandenburg contribute regularly to the curriculum.

1st Semester Admissions
Unrestricted admission
Admission for Higher Semesters
Unrestricted admission
Program Start
Winter and summer semester
Master of Arts (M.A.)
4 semesters
Starting your study program