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- Master´s programs

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Institute of Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann
Arnimallee 3
14195 Berlin

For admittance to the master’s program applicants need to fulfill the following admission requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in mathematics or an equivalent degree with a number of credit points in mathematics corresponding to that of the bachelor’s program in mathematics at Freie Universität Berlin.

  • With certain restrictions, it is possible to complete the master’s degree program by taking classes solely in English. The necessary English language skills must as a rule be proven by exam results.

Proof of sufficient German (DSH2) or English Skills (B2 GER; IELTS 5.0; TOEFL: Paper 500 or Computer 170 or Internet 80) for all applicants whose first language is not German and who have earned their initial degree from a university (or equivalent institution) where the language of instruction is not German, which are necessary to understand courses and specialist literature.

Further information can be found in the Admissions Regulations for the master's program and the first ordinance of amendment of the admissions regulations.

Students do not pay any tuition fees, the university only charges semester fees and contributions each semester.

The master’s program in mathematics has a research orientation. Building on an initial degree, academic knowledge is deepened, and students acquire the ability to work on academic principles independently, learning to apply academic methods and findings. The master’s program offers students the possibility of deepening previously acquired knowledge in one of the following domains: analysis, discrete mathematics, algebraic/complex geometry, numerical mathematics, differential geometry, or topology.

1st Semester Admissions
Unrestricted admission
Admission for Higher Semesters
Unrestricted admission
Program Start
Winter and summer semester
English, German
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
4 semesters

Information on the program and course requirements can be found in the study and examination regulations ("Studien- und Prüfungsordnung"). It contains detailed descriptions of the course contents and objectives as well as an exemplary schedule of studies. The type and requirements of the examinations for the modules and the Master's thesis as well as the Master's thesis in the special procedure are also defined. The regulations state the credit points ("LP-Leistungspunkte") for each module or course.

Structure of the master's program: successful completion of 90 credit points (LP) in the following subject areas

Algebra, Differential Geometry, Partial Differential Equations, Discrete Geometry, Discrete Mathematics, Dynamic Systems,  Numerics, Stochastics, Topology, Number Theory

and a master‘s thesis (30 credit points) are required for the Master‘s degree in Mathematics.

The 90 credit points are subdivided as follows:

1. Basic Modules: 50 credit points (LP)

Two Basic Modules (with the exception of only one in Number Theory) will be offered for each of
the 10 subject areas above distributed over different semesters. These can be chosen according to
preference and without prerequisites. At least three Basic Modules will be offered every semester.

2. Intermediate Module: 5 credit points (LP)

One Intermediate Module (Aufbaumodul) should be selected and completed in the subject area in
which at least one Basic Module was completed. This introduces the student to the current state of
research in this area.

3. Advanced Module: 5 credit points (LP)

In each of the 10 areas of study above one Advanced Module (Vertiefungsmodul) will be offered
which requires independent study and a presentation on a current topic of research.

4. Supplemental Modules: 30 credit points (LP)

These (Ergänzungsmodule) are not graded or pass/fail and allow one to choose supplemental
lectures and seminars in the modules mentioned above or even in modules in related scientific