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Management & Marketing

- Master´s programs

School of Business and Economics
Department of Management
Prof. Dr. Miriam Flickinger, Louisa La Porta, Antje Goebel
Garystr. 21
14195 Berlin

For admittance to the master’s program applicants need to fulfill the following admission requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in business administration with a minimum of 12 credit points in accounting and/or taxation and also with a minimum of 12 credit points in mathematics, statistics, and/or empirical research methods or an equivalent degree with a minimum of 12 credit points in accounting and/or taxation and also with a minimum of 12 credit points in mathematics, statistics, and/or empirical research methods.

  • Proof of English language skills (level B2 CEFR) or equivalent.

  • Applicants are required to show the ability to treat subjects in the areas of Management and/or Marketing under supervision with scientifically sound methods. The Bachelor’s thesis or a term paper of at least 12 pages text may serve as proof of this ability.

The DSH - or German Language University Entrance Exam for Foreign Students - is obligatory for all applicants whose first language is not German and who have earned their initial degree from a university (or equivalent institution) where the language of instruction is not German.

In the admissions process, points are awarded for the relevant fulfillment of the selection criteria. This primarily relates to the average grade of the previous degree and the number of credit points to be demonstrated in the above-mentioned subjects. A detailed explanation of the distribution of selection points can be found in the admission regulations (German only).

Detailed information on application requirements can be found on the master's program's website.

Students do not pay any tuition fees, the university only charges semester fees and contributions each semester.

Students complete a sound curriculum that prepares them for advanced work in academic and professional fields. We enable students to develop technical skills in terms of knowledge, heuristics, and problem-solving know-how in Management and Marketing. These skills form the foundation for further education.

In addition, conceptual skills are developed to enable students to structure complex managerial problems. These skills are complemented by the acquisition of social skills through teamwork, group discussions, role-playing, and team projects.

Moreover, an increasingly globalized world demands the integration of social skills into intercultural competence. This particularly involves the ability to successfully operate in different countries, languages, and cultures and to participate in cross-cultural teams. Therefore, the third semester is spent at one of our partner universities abroad.

1st Semester Admissions
Restricted admission
Admission for Higher Semesters
Unrestricted admission (for 3rd semester for winter semester, for 2nd and 4th semester for summer semester)
Program Start
Winter semester
English, German
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
4 semesters

The Master's program includes the following study areas: One compulsory area with three subject areas and one optional area.

The structure of the studies is regulated by the study regulations. There you will find detailed descriptions of the contents and qualification goals of each individual module and an exemplary study plan. The examination regulations define the type and requirements of the module’s and Master's examinations. The regulations specify the credit points (CP) for each module or course as well as the hours workload for the entire study program.

Modules of the 1st, 2nd and 4th semester are lectured in German, modules of the 3rd semester in English.

The third semester should be completed at a partner university abroad.

Further detailed information on the structure can be found on the website of the degree program.

The Master's thesis should demonstrate that the students are able to independently work on and present a research task using scientific methods. After successfully completing the study program, the university degree Master of Science (M.Sc.) is awarded.

  • Boyd, J./Bresser, R. (2008): Performance Implications of Delayed Competitive Responses: Evidence from the U.S. Retail Industry. Strategic Management Journal 20 (10),S. 1077-1096.
  • Hoetker, G./Mellewigt, T. (2009): Choice and Performance of Governance Mechanisms: Matching Alliance Governance to Asset Type. Strategic Management Journal 30, S. 1025-1044.
  • Jackson, G./Apostolakou, A. (2010): Corporate Social Responsibility in Western Europe: CSR as an Institutional Mirror or a Substitute? Journal of Business Ethics 94 (3), S. 371-394.
  • Jackson, G./Ni, N. (2013): Understanding Complementarities as Organizational Configurations: Using Set Theoretical Methods. Research in the Sociology of Organizations 38, S. 129-158.
  • Mellewigt, T./Ehrmann, T./Decker, C. (2011): How Does the Franchisor’s Choice of Different Control Mechanisms Affect Franchisees’ and Employee-Managers’ Satisfaction? Journal of Retailing, Vol. 87(3), S. 320-311.
  • Mellewigt, T./Krzeminska, A./Hoetker, G. (2013): Reconceptualizing Plural Governance. Strategic Management Journal 34 (13), S. 1614-1627.
  • Schreyögg, G./Sydow, J. (2010): Organizing for Fluidity? On the Dilemmas of New Organizational Forms. Organization Science 21 (6), S. 1251-1262.
  • Schreyögg, G./Sydow, J. (2011): Organisational path dependence: A process view. Organization Studies 32 (3), S. 321-335.
  • Schüßler, E./Rüling, C.-C./Wittneben, B. (2014): On Melting Summits: The Limitations of Field-Configuring Events as Catalysts of Change in Transnational Climate Policy. Academy of Management Journal 57, S. 140-171.
  • Sydow, J./Schreyögg, G./Koch, J. (2009): Organizational Path Dependence: Opening the Black Box. Academy of Management Review 34 (4), S. 689-709.