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Special Needs Education

This study program is in German and requires a language proficiency level of C1 or higher.

- Major subject in a combi bachelor with teacher training

The theory and practice of Special Needs Education delves into the browed topic of people who are disadvantaged or handicapped in society due to individual and social-economic factors. It is about the guidance and support of people with special needs through specific help, as well as the appreciation and validation of diversity and differences. The aim should be achieving regular participation and independence in social, school and work-field sectors of society.

The major subject Special Needs Education with teacher training at Freie Universität Berlin focuses on the aspect of inclusion. The focal topics such as emotional and social development, speech development and development of learning are studied, which are essential in the realm of inclusive schools and the general everyday school life. The pedagogical challenge of creating lessons and teaching situations for very heterogeneous class groups is looked at. In addition, educational/pedagogical concepts, programs of schoolwork, questions concerning equality policies and inclusive pedagogy, as well as social values and moral norms relevant in society are discussed. Especially in reverence to the ratification of the UN convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which came into force in 2008, this makes the previously stated points formative components of the current and future German educational landscape.

Focal point speech development

  • Language development and peculiarities of language development during childhood
  • Language acquisition: conditions for successful language acquisition
  • Multilingual students
  • Speech and language impairments
  • Support of students with specific language development impairments and speech disorders

Emotional and social development

  • Emotional and social development as well as particular features in childhood and adolescence
  • Risks and protective factors of emotional and social development in childhood and adolescence
  • Diagnosis of peculiarities in the emotional and social development
  • Lesson design and pedagogical teaching behavior in the case of special characteristics in the emotional and social area
  • Prevention of social exclusion
  • Support of social skills and self-directed learning

Development of learning

  • Basics of neuro- and cognitive psychology
  • The acquisition of school relevant skills
  • General learning difficulties and partial performance deficits
  • Giftedness and exceptional achievement
  • Interventions to promote learning development
  • Evidence-based measures to promote learning and examples of supportive programs

This Special Needs Education course, which was newly introduced in 2017 at the Freie Universität Berlin, offers students research-based teaching instructed from lecturers from different subject areas. Due to the clear focus on inclusion, the course is based on current developmential processes in the German school system.

The Freie Universität Berlin and in particular the Major subject Special Needs Education are explicitly family friendly. Granting compatibility of study and family is supported in the best possible way.

At the beginning of their studies, during the orientation week all new students are extensively introduced to each other, the lecturers, and the subject structure in general. Students are continuously supported during their studies by the departmental advisory service and are given support in solving all issues that may arise.

1st Semester Admissions
Unrestricted admission
Admission for Higher Semesters
Unrestricted admission (application open for 3rd and 5th semester in winter semester, for 2nd, 4th and 6th semester in summer semester)
Program Start
Winter semester
Options in a combination bachelor's degree program
90 CP Major subject with teacher training

Special Needs Education is studied as a major subject with 90 credits in the teaching profession at integrated secondary schools and grammar school level (ISS/Gym) with specifically 60 credits in module offering suitable for the desired teaching profession level and the study area of teaching profession-related professional science (LBW).

The study area LBW is mandatory for all student in teacher training. In these modules, students work through topics as educational science, German as a second language, didactics in heterogeneous learning groups and the subject didactics.

At the end of the course, the bachelor thesis is written in the major subject as an independent scientific debate of a problem question of your choice.

The study and examination regulations (StuPO) give the structure and procedure of the course and the type and requirements of the examinations for each of the modules. There students will find detailed module descriptions and qualification goals, an exemplary study guide, credit points and time expenditure broken down for each part.

Bachelor's graduates of this program are particularly qualified for teaching-related and other pedagogical and educational science advanced master's courses. In addition, there is the opportunity to work in professional fields such as educational administration or in special textbook or magazine publishers. Working as a teacher at public schools in the state of Berlin is only possible with a following Master of Education.

Working at a school includes both teaching subjects that have been studied in the major and minor modules.

For management/head positions or employment in research and teaching, a master's degree and, sometimes additionally, a doctorate are required.