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What financial support do I receive through Erasmus+ Worldwide?

Regardless of the destination country, all grant recipients receive a mobility grant of 700 Euros per month.

In addition, there are grants for travel costs, staggered in groups depending on the distance between the country of origin and the country of destination:

100 to 499 km:     180 €
500 to 1999 km    275 €
2000 to 2999 km  360 €
3000 to 3999 km  530 €
4000 to 7999 km  820 €
>8000 km           1.500 €

In addition, grant recipients obtain preferential admission to the partner university, a tuition waiver, and are supervised by the home university and the host university abroad before and during their stay.

Please note that the Erasmus+ mobility grant does not include insurance coverage. You must take care of this yourself.