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Health Insurance

Before enrolling, all students must apply for proof of health insurance from a German health insurance provider. Only students above the age of 30 and doctoral students are exempt from this obligation.

The health insurance provider will certify that the prospective student:

  • is insured or
  • is exempt from insurance obligation or
  • is not subject to compulsory insurance

This health insurance certificate (a copy of the chip card or membership certificate is not sufficient!) must be provided along with the university matriculation documents and is valid for the entire course of study. Without this certificate, no applicant can be enrolled. A new insurance certificate is only required if the health insurance company is changed during your studies.

Private German Health Insurance

Students who have a private German health insurance can request to be exempted from insurance obligations. For this, a certificate from a statutory (public) health insurance provider is required which must be provided along with the university matriculation documents (a copy is sufficient, the original belongs to the student). The exemption cannot be revoked and will be valid for the entire course of study. For further information, please contact statutory health insurance providers in Germany.

No Health Insurance

If you have no health insurance of any kind, please contact a statutory German health insurance provider of your choice, e.g. the AOK Nordost. (Email address: studentservice@nordost.aok.de). The insurance company will check whether statutory insurance is possible and whether you can sign up for student insurance.

Foreign Students

Foreign students are also required to hold health insurance. They may sign up for an insurance plan with any of the statutory health insurance providers.

EHIC (European Health Insurance Card)

Students from countries that have a social insurance agreement with Germany (EU and EWR) and have statutory/state health insurance coverage can present their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to any German statutory health insurance provider. There you will receive confirmation that you are exempt from statutory health insurance in Germany. This proof of exemption must be submitted to the university for enrollment. You will find further information concerning this topic on the website of the European Commission.

Enrollment from Abroad

EU nationals who want to send their application documents from their home countries have the possibility to request the certificate of exemption online. For instance, AOK Berlin Brandenburg offers this service. Students must scan their insurance card (name and validity have to be legible) and the main page of their passport and mail them to the following address: studentservice@nordost.aok.de. AOK Berlin Brandenburg will issue a certificate of exemption. After receipt of this exemption, you can submit the application for enrollment.

Private Health Insurance Abroad

Students who have private health insurance in their home countries may terminate this coverage and sign up for German student health insurance from a statutory health insurance provider. You may also get an exemption from the obligation to hold health insurance and remain privately insured in your home country. Students must then apply for exemption from the statutory health insurance obligation from any statutory health insurance provider in Germany and submit this proof to the university for enrollment. 

Legal Basis:

according to the provisions of the Fifth Book of the Social Code (Sozialgesetzbuch) - SGB V

  • Studentenkrankenversicherungs-Meldeverordnung – SKV-MV
  • Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung: § 5 Abs.1 Nr. 9 SGB V, § 21 KVLG 1989