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Unser Team: Jessica Weber, Johanna Lubig, Jonathan Bär, Julian Rau, Stefan Petri, Elisabeth Wentker, Katharina Wicht und Judith Apell

Unser Team: Jessica Weber, Johanna Lubig, Jonathan Bär, Julian Rau, Stefan Petri, Elisabeth Wentker, Katharina Wicht und Judith Apell

Welcome to the mental wellbeing project website

Our aim is to promote mental health at the FU Berlin.

We are establishing support.points all over the University to provide first aid counseling for all kind of mental problems in daily life learning and working.

Here you will find quick and easy available help for all kind of mental issues - in German and English.

Our counselors in the support.points are trained psychologists who will try to help you in a fast and easy manner. You can describe your issues and, together we work out initial solutions or strategies. A consultation is limited to 10 to 30 minutes in order to support as many people as possible who are seeking advice. 

Sometimes such a first conversation is enough. If not, the counselors will inform you about further contact points within the university and beyond. 

The consultations are confidential, the staff members are bound to secrecy. If desired, conversations can also be conducted anonymously.

Beside that we offer information, practical advice an online tools to address issues of particular pressure such as stress-related symptoms or learning difficulties.

Workshops, talks and meetings to encourage the exchanges of experience complete the range.

We welcome any inquiries, comments or ideas. Contact the project via mail or contact our support.points staff directly.

The mental wellbeing project is an initiative of the Center for Academic Advising and Psychological Counseling in cooperation with the departments to build a psychosocial support network on campus.

Problems for our support.points

Problems for our support.points


Contact person:           Katharina Wicht
Telephone:                  (030) 838 - 62068
E-Mail:                         support.point@studienberatung.fu-berlin.de
