FAQ Online Application
To apply for a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship, you have to apply online using our online application system. The online application system is only accessible during the application period. Usually, the application period starts toward the end of the summer semester. The funding period always begins in the winter semester, i.e. October 1, and ends on September 30 of the following year.
You can only log-into the online application form if you chose the right one of the two application periods:
You are enrolled as a student for a degree program at Freie Universität Berlin (Bachelor's, Master's or Staatsexamen Program) in winter semester 2021/2022 in your second semester or higher semester? Please apply during the following application period: 07/22/21 - 08/13/21, 6:00 pm CEST.
You have applied for a degree program at Freie Universität Berlin and will start your studies (Bachelor's, Master's or Staatsexamen Program) at Freie Universität in your first or higher semester at Freie Universität Berlin in winter semester 2021/2022: Please submit your application during the following application period: 09/08/21-09/30/21 6:00 pm CEST. You can only log into our online application system if you have already received a letter of acceptance for a degree program at Freie Universität Berlin or if you are already enrolled for your first semester at Freie Universität Berlin.
To log in to our online application system, you need to use your email address provided by ZEDAT (username@zedat.fu-berlin.de). You can only log in during the following application period if you, in winter semester 2021/2022 will be enrolled at Freie Universität Berlin in your second semester or higher: July 22, 2021, until August 13, 2021, 06:00 pm CEST.
If you meet the criteria and still cannot log in during the application period, please contact fudis@zedat.fu-berlin.de.
If you have forgotten your password please use the link “Forgotten your password?” on the login page.
Please do the following check:
1. Did I try to log-in during the correct application period?
2. Have I already received a letter of acceptance to one of the degree programs at Freie Universität Berlin starting in winter semester 2021/2022, that I applied for?
2. Did I use my username and password that I received after setting up an online-application account that is required to apply for a degree program at Freie Universität Berlin? For FAQs on your application account see here.
3. Try resetting your password if you are not sure you remember it correctly by using the "Forgotten your password?" button on the log-in page of the online-application system.
4. If none of this works, please contact fudis@zedat.fu-berlin.de.
You can only log into the online application system using the username and password that have been created for you after setting up an online-application account for a study program at Freie Universität Berlin. If you forgot your passwort, please use the "Forgotten your password?" function on the log-in page of the online application system of the Deutschlandstipendium.
You can only apply during the following application period, if you have received a letter of acceptance from Freie Universität Berlin for a study program startin in winter semester 2021/2022: September 8, 2021, until September 30, 2021, 6:00 pm CEST.
You can only log into our online application system if you have already received a letter of acceptance for a degree program at Freie Universität Berlin or if you are already enrolled for your first semester at Freie Universität Berlin.
If the above applies to you and you still cannot log in during the application period, please contact fudis@zedat.fu-berlin.de.
Yes, you can. During the application period that applies to you, you may edit your application. To do so, please log into our online application system using your ZEDAT-username. After the application deadline, changes are no longer possible. Please do not send us email requests to make changes.
For changes regarding your physical address, please inform the student administration office. They will forward the information to us. We also receive information on changes with regard to your student status or your degree program automatically.
In the first application period you can withdraw your application at any time before August 13, 2021, 6:00 pm CEST using our online application system. If you would like to withdraw your application after August 13, please send us an email at deutschlandstipendium@fu-berlin.de.
What do I do if the data automatically obtained from the student administration office is incorrect?
Some data – i.e. personal details, your current study program, your university entrance qualification – are transferred automatically from your digital file to our application system.
Please check that all of your data is accurate and valid. If anything is incorrect, please correct your data immediately by using the “change personal data” button which you can find in our online application system on any of the pages that include data transferred from your digital file. Please note that it can take up to 24 hours for your changes to be displayed in our system. You may continue with your application in the meantime.
Please note that your application will be deemed invalid if the data obtained from your student file is incorrect and you have not initiated the process of correction by the end of the application period.
You will receive a confirmation email right after submitting your application online. If you do not receive this email, please contact fudis@zedat.fu-berlin.de.
We will review your application as soon as possible No selection interviews will be held. You will be informed about the selection committee's decision (rejection or acceptance) by email presumably by the end of December 2024.
Please refrain from asking about the completeness or status of your application while waiting for the selection committee’s decision.
You can find information on how to fund your studies in Germany as an international student on this website.
No, you do not have a legal right to a scholarship according to the Scholarship Program Act (StipG).