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N: Nebentätigkeit (Secondary Employment) to Niederschlagung (Write-Off)

Nebentätigkeiten (Secondary Employment)

Any type of secondary employment requires the consent of the primary employer on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, the Personnel Division has to be notified of the secondary employment. Please also refer to the information in Newsletter V 06/2011.

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Nutzungsdauern (Anlagenbuchhaltung) [Useful Economic Life (Asset Accounting)]

The expected useful economic life of fixed assets is managed via the asset classes. The useful economic life is the expected period (in years) during which the economic good/asset will be used and depreciated. Here, you can find an overview of the asset classes, including the useful life.

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Niederschlagung (Write-Off)

See: Veränderung von Ansprüchen (Changes to Claims)

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