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For students at Freie Universität Berlin

  • Enrolled students can apply for financial support through the regular emergency funds provided by studierendenWERK BERLIN. Prospective and enrolled students can also contact studierendenWERK BERLIN’s Social Counseling Center to find out more about other financial support opportunities.
  • If you were in Ukraine when the war broke out and fled the country, your status as a war refugee entitles you to social benefits in Germany. That covers education costs as well. You can also register as “seeking employment” and apply for scholarships. You can find more information about regular funding opportunities for students at Freie Universität here. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has put together an overview of financial support resources for students on its website.

It is not possible to conduct a study abroad program in Ukraine at this time.

If you are a student from Ukraine and would like to study abroad at Freie Universität for a semester, please contact the appropriate staff member from the Student Mobility Unit or the contact person at your home university.

Students enrolled in a dual master’s degree program should contact the person in charge of academic affairs in their department/institute. Currently, it is not possible to do an exchange program with Russia.

You can find information on student advising and psychological counseling on this website. Additional information on psychological support services can be found on the studierendenWERK BERLIN website. This overview also provides further options where you can receive psychological counseling.

There are also other counseling resources available to you outside the university context, for example, on the following sites:

  • You can chat online with a professional any time of the day or night at Krisenchat.
  •  Nightline Berlin is a telephone hotline run by students for students who are facing a crisis or hardship.
  • In acute cases, the Berlin Crisis Service can be reached at +49 30 390 63 00.