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UC Berkeley



In October 2016, the University of California, Berkeley, and Freie Universität Berlin signed a strategic partnership agreement. The agreement is based on decades of cooperation between the two universities. Every year, nearly 80 students, doctoral students, and scientists from UC Berkeley learn, teach, and conduct research at Freie Universität Berlin . The partnership will help to further promote cooperation in fields such as health research, digitalization, data science, and global studies, which are strong research areas of Freie Universität Berlin. The University of California, Berkeley, is a state university and part of the University of California system. The university offers over 300 study programs to its more than 40,000 students.


The Dahlem Humanities Center of Freie Universität Berlin and the Townsend Center for Humanities of UC Berkeley cooperate closely. As part of Freie Universität's 70th anniversary in 2018, a joint event was held on the topic of "Free Speech on Campus: A Challenge for Universities in the U.S. and Germany." UC Berkeley is also an international partner of the Temporal Communities Cluster of Excellence and closely associated with the SCRIPTS Cluster.
There is also closer cooperation in the field of mathematics. The cooperation benefits from the cooperation of both partners with the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, an independent research institution located on the outskirts of the UC Berkeley campus that acts as a mathematical forum for scientists from both universities. Freie Universität Berlin is a contributing member.

Funding Opportunities

Partnership Coordinator

Britta Piel, IV A Center for International Cooperation, phone: +49 30 838-73943, email: britta.piel@fu-berlin.de