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Workshop: "Jewish Borderlands – Language, Literature and Culture, 1900 to the Present"

Der Workshop fand am 22. und 23. Mai 2014 statt und wurde organisiert von Kata Gellen (Fellow der Volkswagen Stiftung und der Andrew W. Mellon Foundation) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Department of Germanic Languages and Literature und dem Center for Jewish Studies der Duke University. 


Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014
9:30-10:00 Welcome & Introduction

Doreen Densky (Tufts University)
Between Involvement and Detachment: Aesthetics, Politics, and the Art of Negotiation in Modern German-Jewish Writings

Sylvia Jaworski (ETH Zürich)
Writing Along the Edge. Assimilation, Liminality, and Authenticity in the Writing of Artur Sandauer (1913-1989)

Susanne Zepp (Freie Universität Berlin/Simon-Dubnow-Institut, Leipzig)
Límites y fronteras. Max Aub’s Poems on Borders


Marc Caplan (Johns Hopkins University)
A Disenchanted Elijah: Language, Voice, and the Dissimulation of Self in S. Ansky’s Destruction of Galicia

Arnd Wedemeyer (ICI Berlin)
Max Brod’s War Games, 1918/1948


Lesung von Barbara Honigmann

Mit anschließendem Empfang

© Peter-Andreas Hassiepen

Freitag, 23. Mai 2014

Rachel Seelig (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Gertrud Kolmar’s Orientalist Expedition

Kata Gellen (Duke University)
Narration Against Tone: The Violent Harmony of Soma Morgenstern’s Sparks in the Abyss


William C. Donahue (Duke University)
“Das überirdische Licht”: Barbara Honigmann and the Transcendence of the Religious-Secular Divide

Malte Kleinwort (FernUniversität Hagen)
Jewish Non-Identity in Imre Kertész’ Fatelessness


Elke Dubbels (Universität Bonn)
Holy, but Living: Franz Rosenzweig on the Hebrew Language

Ann-Kathrin Pollmann (Simon-Dubnow-Institut, Leipzig)
Conservation Room of History. Günther Anders in American Exile


Natasha Gordinsky (University of Haifa)
Writing in a Jewish (post-)Soviet Language: Anya Ulinich’s Petropolis

Jan Schwarz (Lund University)
Performing Yiddish Culture in Poland in the Aftermath of the Holocaust

18:30-19:00 Concluding Discussion

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