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Digital Learning Agreement

Starting with the academic year 2021/22, the analog Learning Agreement will be replaced by the "digital Learning Agreement" at Freie Universität.

Students must ask their home university how they can initiate the digital Learning Agreement.

It is especially important that the e-mail addresses of the respective coordinators of Freie Universität and your Home Institution are correct. The online learning agreement must always be sent via the Institute/Department through which you are completing your stay.

A list with the e-mail addresses of the departments and institutes of Freie Universität Berlin stored in the digital Learning Agreement system can be found here as a dropdown. (will be completed continuously)

Department E-Mail Address
 Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy
 Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy  erasmus@bcp.fu-berlin.de 
Educational Science and Psychology
Educational Science erasmus-ewi@erzwiss.fu-berlin.de
Psychology erasmus@psychologie.fu-berlin.de
Earth Sciences  
Earth Sciences erasmus@geo.fu-berlin.de 
History and Cultural Studies
History exchangegeschichte@geschkult.fu-berlin.de 
Art History Institute  exchangekunstgeschichte@geschkult.fu-berlin.de 
Classical Archaeology  exchangeklarch@geschkult.fu-berlin.de
Egyptology ExchangeAegypt@geschkult.fu-berlin.de
Japanology exchangejapan@geschkult.fu-berlin.de
Prehistoric Archaeology ExchangePrArch@geschkult.fu-berlin.de
Islamic Studies exchangeislamwiss@geschkult.fu-berlin.de
 ast Asia and the Middle East exchangegkvo@geschkult.fu-berlin.de 
Near Eastern Archaeology exchangevordarch@geschkult.fu-berlin.de
Mathematics and Computer Science
 Mathematics and Computer Science  international@mi.fu-berlin.de
  Philosophy and Humanities
Peter Szondi Institute for General and
Comparative Literature
Master's program in Applied Literary Studies maagwlit@zedat.fu-berlin.de 
German and Dutch Philology erasmus@germanistik.fu-berlin.de
English Philology (except for Florence and Leuven) erasmus@anglistik.fu-berlin.de
English Philology (Florence and Leuven) Erasmus-Florenz-Leuven@anglistik.fu-berlin.de
Philosophy erasmus@philosophie.fu-berlin.de   
Romance Philology  erasmus@romanistik.fu-berlin.de 
Seminar for Film Studies erasmusfilm@film.fu-berlin.de
Institute for Theater Studies  theater@zedat.fu-berlin.de 
 Physics erasmus@physik.fu-berlin.de 
Political and Social Sciences
Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Sciences osi-erasmus@polsoz.fu-berlin.de 
MA Gender, Intersectionality and Politics erasmus-gip@polsoz.fu-berlin.de
Sociology erasmus-sociology@polsoz.fu-berlin.de  
Journalism and Communication Studies erasmus@kommwiss.fu-berlin.de
Social and Cultural Anthropology erasmus-ska@polsoz.fu-berlin.de  
 Law jurallp@zedat.fu-berlin.de  
Veterinary Medicine
 Veterinary Medicine erasmus@vetmed.fu-berlin.de  
School of Business and Economics
School of Business and Economics international@wiwiss.fu-berlin.de  
  John-F.-Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies
 John-F.-Kennedy-Institut for North American Studies erasmus@jfki.fu-berlin.de 
Institute for Latin American Studies
Institute for Latin American Studies erasmus@lai.fu-berlin.de 
 Institute for East European Studies
 Institute for East European Studies erasmus@oei.fu-berlin.de  
Language Center
 Language Center erasmus@sprachenzentrum.fu-berlin.de 
  University Medicine Charité
 University Medicine Charité nikola.lepom@charite.de

Please ask for the addresses at your Home Institution yourself. Do not just enter any address here, as the OLA can only be received from addresses stored in the system.

Please note that signing the OLA does not guarantee a place in the respective courses. You must enroll in the courses in a timely manner in order to participate. The exact procedure will be explained during the orientation days at FUB. You can already find information about this on the distributed campus portal.