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Who must submit a language certificate with their PROMOS application?

A language certificate must be submitted with an application for a PROMOS scholarship. The requirements for the language certificate can be found on the corresponding pages with information on the application process.

All applicants aside from those applying in the category direct exchange (Direktaustausch) must submit a language certificate in the language that their will either learn, or be working in, while abroad. In the case of language courses, this is the language to be learnt and, if applicable, the language in which the course is taught (if it differs from the language to be learnt).

The following documents are recognised as a langage certificate, as long as the date of the test is within two years of the PROMOS application:

  • TOEFL and IELTS in English and equivalent standardised tests for academic use for other languages.
  • The DAAD language certificate. This must be completed be either the language centre at Freie Universität Berlin or another state-recognised university. 
  • Native speakers must submit their passport from a country in which the language in question is an official language and proof of their school leaving certificate or university degree in a country in which this language is an official language. The school leaving certificate or university degree must have been completed in the relevant language. 
  • Departmental exchange (Fachbereichsaustausch): Anyone taking part in a departmental exchange can apply in the studies abroad category (Studienaufenthalt) and submit the form for participants in decentralised departmental exchanges (completed and signed by the coordinator of the decentralised FU exchange programme) as a language certificate.

The following documents are not sufficient for a PROMOS application:

  • (German) Abitur certificate. For native speakers see above.
  • Explanation that you are studying in the relevant language or had to take a language test for the degree programme application or had to prove certain language skills.
  • Certificate from a language module. 
  • OnSet Test.

If you are unsure if your language certificate is sufficient for a PROMOS application, please email promos@campus.fu-berlin.de