After Your Stay Abroad
You are kindly asked to complete and turn in the documents listed below after returning from your stay abroad. All deadlines are listed on page 1 of your scholarship confirmation.
Final Report
All scholarship holders are requested to submit a final report. Please download the following form, fill it out digitally, sign it and send it to the following e-mail address:
Please regard the following:
In addition to answering the standardized questions, field 15 and 16 give you the opportunity to describe individual impressions and insights. We would kindly ask you to give personal insight into your study and project abroad. The report should be one page long. The style and content of your report is subject to your own stylistic freedom. You are also welcome to attach images in jpg format!
Further documents to be submitted
After the end of you funding period you will be asked to provide any kind of proof that indicates that you commenced on your journey abroad. This can take the form of boarding passes, language certificates, internship confirmations, etc. Which of these documents you are required to submit can be found on page 1 of your scholarship confirmation.
In general, the following rule applies:
- Study visit: letter of confirmation (confirmation of stay by the institution)
- Direkt exchange: letter of confirmation (confirmation of stay by the institution)
- Research stays: letter of confirmation (confirmation of stay by the institution if possible), boarding passes from your round trip.
- Internships: internship confirmation
- Language/ Specialized courses: Certificate of Attendance
If you are requested to submit your boarding passes, be aware that e-tickets can not be accepted as official proof. The boarding tickets can be submitted digitally as a scan.
If you are asked to submit a Certificate of Attendance, please note that the entire length of your language/subject/internship must be exactly specified.
Language / specialized course certificate: Specialized / language course certificates are issued by the language school or the organizers and confirm the day-by-day participation in the specialized / language course, which is issued after the stay. Graded language certificates do not need to be submitted.
Internship Confirmation: An internship confirmation is a document issued by the internship provider stating the exact duration of your internship, which will be issued after your stay.
Please make sure that the above mentioned documents indicate your name, as well as the name and location of the institution. The signature and stamp of the institution must be included as well.
If possible, please send us the documents digitally to our e-mail address. Alternatively, the documents can also be submitted by post. Should you choose to post the documents, please do not send the originals.
Recognition of Study Achievements Abroad
We hope you gained valuable insights during your stay abroad and we look forward to your report!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail, telephone or visit during our office hours.