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Erasmus+ worldwide internship Funding conditions

Erasmus+ funds self-organized voluntary internships and compulsory internships of at least two months duration that are carried out on a full-time basis.

The funding for Erasmus+ worldwide stays until 31.07.2023 is available for internships in the following countries:

Duration of funding

Student Mobilities Mobilities for PhD students
Armenia: 2 x 6 months

Egypt: 1 x 3 months

Jordan: 2 x 4 months
Armenia: 2 x 6 months

Argentina: 2 x 4 months

China: 4 x 4 months

Colombia: 1 x 4 months

Ecuador: 1 x 4 months

Egypt: 1 x 3 months

India: 3 x 3 months

Iran: 1 x 3 months

Jordan: 2 x 4 months

Mexico: 2 x 4 months

Peru: 2 x 4 months

Possible internship institutions

  • Companies, universities, research institutions, institutions of general and vocational education and youth, public agencies, associations, foundations, non-governmental organizations, etc.

Excluded from the funding are internships in

Insurance coverage

There is no insurance coverage associated with participation in the Erasmus+ program. Since the grant provider (neither the EU Commission nor the DAAD Bonn or the Freie Universität Berlin) is not liable for damages resulting from illness, death, accident, injury to persons, loss or damage to property in connection with the Erasmus+ stay abroad, participants have to take care of sufficient insurance coverage themselves.

The following insurances you should take out for the duration of the study abroad period:

  • International health insurance with repatriation (also in case of death) and with protection in case of a pandemic.
  • Accident insurance with protection abroad
  • Liability insurance with protection abroad

Please ensure that you have sufficient insurance cover in good time before starting your internship abroad and in particular enquire (preferably in writing) with your insurance company about what needs to be taken into account with regard to the current situation surrounding COVID-19.

This insurance coverage is obligatory for all participants and must be proven before the start of the internship and last for the entire internship period. An insurance declaration is therefore required with the application documents.

Erasmus+ participants have the possibility to be included in the group insurance of the DAAD: https://www.daad.de/en/the-daad/what-we-do/insurance/

Visa, Accommodation and Other

Internship place, travel, accommodation, insurance and visa matters are organized by the students themselves.

Costs for visas (e.g. for internships in the USA) can be very high and are not covered by the program.