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Rosalind-Franklin-Award for Research Integrity

Call for nominations 2025

The personal integrity of researchers is fundamental to academic progress and fortifies the public’s trust in science and its proponents. The very existence of science itself depends on the ongoing efforts of individuals to seek the truth and their willingness to consistently question research results – especially their own.

Despite their essential importance for the academic process, special accomplishments that ensure good research practice are rarely showcased and often not even recognized. The Executive Board of Freie Universität Berlin would like to set an example here by honoring researchers at our university once a year who have promoted research integrity through their exceptional dedication. Individuals working in any area that pertains to good research practice are eligible, for example, someone who has developed innovative approaches to research data management or new methods to increase the validity and reliability of research results, or someone who has made significant contributions to research ethics. Individuals can be recognized for achievements in teaching, outstanding transfer and communication measures, or research-related approaches that set new standards.

The Rosalind Franklin Award for Research Integrity commemorates the British biophysicist Rosalind Franklin, who made crucial contributions to the structural elucidation of DNA. During her lifetime her accomplishments and integral role in the advancement of science went unrecognized.

Nomination and Documents

All members and organizational units of Freie Universität Berlin can nominate candidates. The nominee must be a member of Freie Universität Berlin at the time of nomination. Acting ombudspersons and members of the investigatory commission may not be nominated. Nomination proposals must include the following documents:  

  • Statement elaborating on the nominee’s merits for research integrity (2 – 5 pages)
  • CV of the nominee (no formal requirements) 

The above-mentioned documents must be sent electronically by March 31, 2025, to ombudsperson@fu-berlin.de. If you have any questions regarding the call for nominations, please contact the Coordination Office for Research Integrity.

Selection Proces

The selection committee comprises the central ombudspersons of Freie Universität and the members of the investigatory commission. The selection committee will submit its proposal for the award recipient to the Executive Board based on the following criteria:  

  • Originality: Innovation and novelty of the measures implemented by the nominee.
  • Scope: Size of the target group reached within the university and beyond.
  • Positive impact on good research practice in the respective department/unit, at Freie Universität, and beyond; potential to set new standards within one’s own academic communitys.

Prize Money

Award recipients receive 2,500 euros, which will be made available to them as free research funds (for material costs only; no personnel funds). The award is presented by the president of Freie Universität.