ENRIO 2025 Congress on Research Integrity Practice
From September 22 to 24, 2025, the ENRIO 2025 Congress on Research Integrity Practice will take place at the University of Ljubiljana. Further information can be found on the website .
Data Management Plan Step By Step (Online-Seminar)
The FDM team is offering an online seminar on planning research data management on December 10. Further information can be found on the website .
A short introduction to research data management
The FDM team will offer a short introduction to research data management on December third. Further information can be found on the website .
Week of Good Scientific Practice at FU Berlin
From November 25 - 29, the Week of Good Research Praxis will take place at Freie Universität Berlin. For program details please click here .
Superb Supervision - Mentoring your PhD candidate towards responsible research practices
BUA - Workshop: Superb Supervision - Mentoring your phD candidate towards responsible research practices
(In)Credible Research 2024 - Creative and Credible
This year's (In)credible Research Conference for Eraly Career Researchers will be held on October 10-11, 2024. Program and registration information, can be found on the event website .
Our UNIverse: Empowered to speak up - A conference against abuse of power at universities
On October 8 and 9, 2024, a conference on the abuse of power at universities will take place at the TU Berlin. Further information can be found on the website .
Data Management Plan Step By Step (Online-Seminar)
The FDM team is offering an online seminar on planning research data management on June 27. Further information can be found on the website .
8th World Conference on Research Integrity
From June 2-5, 2024, the eighth WCRI World Conference on Research Integrity will take place in Athens, Greece. Further information on the program and registration can be found on the website .
A short introduction to research data management
The FDM team will offer a short introduction to research data management on May 16. Further information can be found on the website .
BUA Kolloquium Objective 3
As part of the BUA Colloquium Objective 3: Advancing Research Quality and Value, there will be a presentation by Dr. Daniel Pizzolato (KU Leuven) " Research Integrity in Practice " on March 27, 2024.
BUA Colloquium Objective 3
As part of the BUA Colloquium Objective 3: Advancing Research Quality and Value, there will be a presentation by Cyrus Mody (Maastricht University) "Nanobubbles - Correcting the Scientific Record" on February 28, 2024.
DRS Workshop Research Integrity
The next workshop on research integrtity for doctoral students will take place in February 2024. It is a cooperation project between the Dahlem Research School and the Coordination Office for Research Integrity. Registration is via the DRS booking platform .
Annual meeting of the departmental ombudspersons of Freie Universität Berlin
On February 20, the Central Ombudsperson and the Coordination Office for Research Integrity of Freie Universität Berlin invite all departmental ombudspersons to a professional exchange. Only ombudspersons currently in office at Freie Universität Berlin can attend this meeting.
Location: Fabeckstr. 23/25 Neubau Kl. Fächer 2.2058 Seminarraum
BUA Talk and discussion: Predatory publishing as a geopolitical challenge in scholarly communication (hybrid)
As part of the BUA seminar "So geht Wissenschaft - Aktuelle Diskussionen zu Open Science und Forschungsqualität", Prof. Emanuel Kulczycki (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań) will give a lecture followed by a discussion on January 29, 2024.
BUA Colloquium Objective 3
As part of the BUA Colloquium Objective 3: Advancing Research Quality and Value, there will be a presentation by Amelya Keles and Felix Hambitzer (NOS) on November 29.
BUA Talk: Questionable Research Practices, what are they and so should we worry?
As part of BUA Objective 3: Advancing Research Quality and Value, a lecture by Prof. Jesper W. Schneider (Arhuus University, Denmark) will take place on November 27.
GWP Teacher Training - Module 3
The third and last module of the In-House GWP Teacher Training will take place from November 27 to 28, 2023. The training is a service offered by the Coordination Office for Research Integrity for all departments and institutions of Freie Universität Berlin. Registration for this event is already closed.
Week of Good Scientific Practice at FU Berlin
From November 13-17, the first Week of Good Academic Preaxis will take place at Freie Universität Berlin. For program details please click here .
Online consultation: Research data management
The Research Data Management team is available for questions for one hour. No registration is required.
Closing event of the OBUA project
On October 12, the final event of the OBUA project - Ombudswesen@BUA - will take place. A detailed program and the registration link can be found on the webseite .
(In)Credible Research 2023 - Integrity of Science
This year's (In)credible Research Conference for Eraly Career Researchers will be held on October 12-13, 2023. Program and registration information, can be found on the event website .
Open Access Days Berlin 2023
From September 27-29, the Open Accees Days 2023 will take place at Freie Universität Berlin. Detailed information about the event is available on the event website .
ENRIO Congress on Research Integrity 2023
The ENRIO Congress on Research Integrity 2023 will be held at the Sorbonne Université Paris from September 07-08. Detailed information about the congress is available on the event website .
BUA Colloquium Objective 3
As part of the BUA Colloquium Objective 3 : Advancing Research Quality and Value, there will be a presentation by Dr. Armin Glatzmeier (University Library - FU Berlin) on June 28.
DRS Workshop Research Integrity
The next workshop on research integrtity for doctoral students will take place in June 2023. It is a cooperation project between the Dahlem Research School and the Coordination Office for Research Integrity. Registration is via the DRS booking platform .
GWP Teacher Training - Module 2
The second module of the In-House GWP Teacher Training will take place from June 13 to 14, 2023. The training is a service offered by the Coordination Office for Research Integrity for all departments and institutions of Freie Universität Berlin. Registration for this event is already closed.
Panel discussion: What is research quality? Disciplinary dimensions and perspectives
On May 30, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities will host a panel discussion on "What is research quality? Disciplinary dimensions and perspectives" . It is organized by the Einstein Foundation Berlin, the QUEST Center at the Berlin Institute of Health of the Charité, the Berlin University Alliance and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Panelists are: Anna Dreber, Stockholm School of Economics Gordon Guyatt, McMaster University Hamilton Lena Hipp, Berlin Social Science Center Christoph Markschies, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities Susanne Schreiber, Humboldt-Universität Berlin The English discussion will be moderated by Ulrich Dirnagel, QUEST Center for Responsible Research.
GWP Teacher Training - Module 1
The first module of the In-House GWP Teacher Training will take place from May 23 to 24, 2023. The training is a service offered by the Coordination Office for Research Integrity for all departments and institutions of Freie Universität Berlin. Registration for this event is already closed.
BUA Colloquium Objective 3
As part of the BUA colloquium Objective 3: Advancing Research Quality and Value, there will be a lecture by Dr. René Bernard, Cluster of Excellence NeuroCure/Charité entitled " Research Quality and Value from the perspective of an Excellence Cluster " on March 29.
DRS Workshop Research Integrity
The next workshop on research integrtity for doctoral students will take place in March 2023. It is a cooperation project between the Dahlem Research School and the Coordination Office for Research Integrity. Registration is via the DRS booking platform .
DVPW conference "Politik und Profession"
From 21 to 22 February 2023, the DVPW conference " Politik und Profession " will take place at the Otto Suhr Institute (OSI) of Freie Universität Berlin. All DVPW members as well as interested parties from politics, science and society are invited. On 21 February, there will be an English discussion panel on " Academic freedom contestations in liberal democracies ".
Ombudssymposium 2023
The next Ombudssymposium 2023 will take place on 16 and 17 February 2023. Registration is already closed
Location: Leibniz-Saal der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Markgrafenstraße 38 10117 Berlin