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Ethics Assessments

The Central Ethics Committee & Ethics Committees at Freie Universität Berlin

More and more funding organizations and publishers are requiring researchers to present an ethics assessment before financing a project or allowing a publication to be submitted. Sometimes, researchers themselves seek out ethics assessments as a form of insurance in cases where guidelines and recommendations do not provide enough of a framework.

If you require an ethics assessment for your research project, the first step in acquiring one is to identify the correct committee for your case:

  • Members of the Department of Education and Psychology receive support from the Department of Education and Psychology’s ethics committee.
  • Researchers with ethical and legal questions surrounding research with potential consequences to health and public safety (dual use) are requested to contact the Committee for Ethics in Security-Relevant Research.
  • The Ethics Committee of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin is responsible for projects that involve medical research on humans or material taken from humans as well as epidemiological studies that use personal data.
  • If none of the ethics committees listed above are relevant to your needs, please contact the Central Ethics Committee at Freie Universität Berlin.