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FUtureIT – für eine service- und zukunftsorientierte IT an der Freien Universität Berlin

High-performance IT services are a must-have when it comes to research, teaching, studying, and administrative tasks. The increasingly digital nature of these types of work means that standard IT services are becoming even more important, and that users more frequently require tailor-made IT solutions.

The existing structures at Freie Universität Berlin, some of which have evolved over the course of several decades, do not always offer the most efficient way of dealing with this situation. For this reason, the Executive Board has launched “FUtureIT,” a two-year project aimed at equipping the university with information technology more suited to its users’ needs, as well as tangibly improving support for teaching staff, teachers, and employees in the long term.

The individual steps we are taking on the way to achieving this goal have been divided into sub-projects that take all areas of Freie Universität into consideration. The success of FUtureIT is also heavily reliant on feedback from university members and communication with all units and departments.