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Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft Membership

ERG-Kapitel - Jetzt Mitglied werden | Chapter Deutschlandstipendium: Become a member

ERG-Kapitel - Jetzt Mitglied werden | Chapter Deutschlandstipendium: Become a member
Image Credit: Patricia Kalisch (bearbeitet)

About the Chapter “Deutschlandstipendium”

As registered association, the Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft (ERG) is particularly concerned with supporting research, teaching, and especially young scholars at Freie Universität Berlin.

In 2018, the "chapter Deutschlandstipendium” was founded on the initiative of the Deutschlandstipendium office and students. The chapter aims to intensify exchange among current and former scholarship holders, but also with sponsors.


As a former Scholarship holder, membership is free for up to 3 years after graduation. Benefits include:

  • Invitation to events with current and former scholarship holders as well as sponsors
  • Maintaining and broadening your network, even after graduation

After Graduation:

  • Freie Universität Berlin Zedat email address
  • Reduced entrance fee for the Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin

Please see the ERG website for further benefits (in German)

How can I become a member?

You can find the membership application here.