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Tendering and Assistance with Tendering Matters

Announcement pursuant to VOL/A or VOF (EU-wide call for tenders)


Scope of application: starting at an estimated order or contract value of 207,000 euros net


The following form the bases for awarding public contracts:

 ◾The German Act Against Restraints of Competition (GWB),

◾the budgetary regulations for the state of Berlin (AV LHO, LHO),

◾the respective contracting regulations (VOL/A, VOB/A oder VOF),

◾the German Ordinance on Awarding of Public Contracts (VgV),

◾the Act on Tendering and Awarding of Public Contracts for the State of Berlin (BerlAVG),

◾various European directives, and

◾the so-called "case law."

The goal of these bases is to guarantee fair competition with equal rights and ensure that public funding is used sparingly and economically.

As a basic principle, calls for tenders for public contracts must be published publicly.

If you have plans to award a contract or contracts over 100,000 euros, please contact Central Purchasing (Unit II C) with sufficient lead time.