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STIBET Doctorate promotion of the DAAD

The DAAD STIBET postgraduate program enables the funding of 29 annual support measures in the time period of 2019-2022, with the aim to improve the study situation of foreign postgraduate students at the FU Berlin. Funding will be provided to support international PhD candidates by employing them as teaching and research assistants, or by offering them working partners for the period of their stay. The funding can be utilized for a maximum of three months per year.

If you are interested in participating in an above mentioned support program with the help of STIBET funds, please complete the application form. The applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

On-Site Working Partners

On-site working partners are designed to aid international PhD candidates in institutes which house a large number of postgraduate students. The main focus of this work is technical, methodical and linguistic support in order to meet the different needs and professional requirements of international doctoral candidates. Examples of tasks include an introduction to the library, database and software system, language assistance for the preparation of exposés and offering aid to improve language capabilities. Working Partners can be German or foreign students who are enrolled at the FU but aren’t employed as student or academic staff at the same time. PhD candidates are also included.

Assigning Teaching and Research Assistants

Teaching assistants have the task of carrying out independent tutorials for their respective institutes in order to gain valuable experience in the field of academic teaching with regard to a future professional activity. They will be instructed by official university lecturers.

Research assistants will work closely with faculty members on current research projects of the respective institutes and working groups. This gives them the opportunity to be integrated into the research works and gain important processional experience for their future scientific career.

Only foreign PhD candidates who are not employed as scientific staff members at the FU are allowed to assume the role of teaching and research assistants.


Required documents (accepted on rolling basis):

  • Valid Residence and work permit for students and PhD candidates from non-EU countries* including Liechtenstein, Andorra, Malta.

After the program:

  • Final Report


If there are more applications received, than vacant spots, the International Relations Directorate will assess the necessity and urgency of the requested measures and decide on the allocation of resources.

Please note that Mozilla Firefox may not support the opening of the PDF form. If this should be the case for you, the document can be downloaded and filled out with Adobe Reader. For compatibility reasons, we recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Alternatively, another browser can be used as well.



Regina Rahm

Department IV- International Affairs

Student Mobility Services

Student Service Center

Iltisstr. 4

Tel. (030) 838 73412

14195 Berlin

E-Mail: bastip@zedat.fu-berlin.de