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Conference "Planning Research for the Future?"

Proceedings & Videos

There are many approaches, views and ideas about the planning of research nowadays. The first international conference “Planning Research for the Future?” was hosted in Berlin by the Center for Cluster Development of Freie Universität Berlin and brought together these various views and offered a forum for discussion.

It was preceded by a number of successful colloquia held at Freie Universität Berlin about Foresight in science and research. The subsequent conference highlighted in more detail the possibilities and limitations of acting within the scope of two keynote lectures, three panel discussions and four parallel workshops. In one workshop line the demand and various methods for research planning were reviewed and in a second line the different actors presented their perceptions of the planning process including similarities and differences, requirements and consequences.

Over 150 speakers and participants came together in Berlin-Dahlem with its rich density of research institutions and Freie Universität at its heart to discuss the chances and limitations of research planning for universities, research institutions and organizations.