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BMS Call For Applications. Apply now!

A fast-track doctoral program for talented students completing their Bachelor's degree or above. Deadline: 15 May 2013

News vom 23.09.2012

The Berlin Mathematical School offers a fast-track doctoral program in the rapidly developing scientific landscape of Berlin presenting an exciting variety of possibilities both for mathematical research and graduate education.


The Berlin Mathematical School offers:

  • A broad range of courses
  • Pure and applied mathematics
  • Full course program in English
  • Scholarships
  • Funding for conferences and summer schools
  • Mentoring program and soft skills training
  • Funding for students with children

Applications will be accepted from September 15, 2012 until May 15, 2013. 

Applicants interested in BMS scholarships must submit their application by December 15, 2012! From December 16, 2012 until May 15, 2013 applications will still be accepted but allocation of funding is subject to availability.

For detailed information, please go to:  Application
