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Call for Applications 2015
Completion Grants at the Research College “The Transformative Power of Europe”

Fellowships: 4 doctoral stipends with a monthly amount of 1,300.- EUR (including extra expenses)
Date/duration: up to 6 months starting October 2015
Deadline for Applications: 1 April 2015 (Successful candidates will be informed in early May 2015)

The Research College (Kolleg-Forschergruppe) “The Transfomative Power of Europe. The European Union and the Diffusion of Ideas”, directed by Profs. Tanja A. Börzel and Thomas Risse, advertises up to 4 doctoral stipends for the completion of dissertation. We particularly encourage applications on dissertation projects located in the field of comparative regionalism. We are especially interested in the following topics:

·         Regional cooperation and integration in  Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East and the adaptation of and resistance to European institutional models and policies

·         Diffusion of institutions and policies from other parts of the world to Europe and the EU including historical perspectives.

We expect the completion grant holder to submit the dissertation (or at a minimum, a consolidated first draft) at the end of the stipend period. Failure to do so will result in the revocation of the stipend and grants will have to be returned.

The following materials should be submitted:

·         CV;

·         List of publications;

·         Detailed programme and time table for the work to be completed;

·         Two letters of reference (one by the supervisor including the confirmation that the thesis will be completed in the funding period).

Please send your application via email to transform-europe@fu-berlin.de

or to the following address:

Freie Universität Berlin
Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science
Research College „Transformative Power of Europe“
Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel and Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse
Ihnestr. 26
D-14195 Berlin

Further information can be found at www.transformeurope.eu or obtained at transform-europe@fu-berlin.de