SoSe 24  
Master Physik (...  

SoSe 24: Masterstudiengang Physik

Master Physik (SPO 2020)

    • Advanced Quantum Mechanics 0352cA2.1
    • Advanced Statistical Physics 0352cA2.3
    • Advanced Solid State Physics 0352cA2.5
    • Theoretical Solid State Physics 0352cA3.1
    • Advanced Topics of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics 0352cA3.10
    • Advanced Theoretical Biophysics 0352cA3.2
    • Modern Methods in Theoretical Physics C_1 0352cA3.23
    • Modern Methods in Theoretical Physics C_2 0352cA3.24
    • Modern Methods in Theoretical Physics C_3 0352cA3.25
    • Nanophysics 0352cA3.3
    • Spectroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation 0352cA3.5
    • Semiconductor Physics 0352cA3.7
    • General Relativity 0352cA3.8
Der Suchbegriff muss mindestens 3 Zeichen lang sein!

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