WiSe 17/18  
Politik- und So...  
Environmental P...  

WiSe 17/18: Otto-Suhr-Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Environmental Policy Planing (Studienordnung 2015)

    • Environment, Climate and Energy Governance 0012bA2.1
    • International Environmental Policy Analysis 0012bA2.10
    • Specific questions of research 0012bA2.11
    • Economics of Climate Change 0012bA2.12
    • Economics of Climate Policy 0012bA2.13
    • Vulnerability, Resilience and Catastrophe 0012bA2.2
    • Environmental Assessment 0012bA2.3
    • Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment 0012bA2.4
    • Landscape Planning 0012bA2.5
    • Landscape Planning and Society 0012bA2.6
    • Geoinformation Systems 0012bA2.7
    • Remote Sensing in Environmental Planning 0012bA2.8
    • Economic Analysis of Environmental Policies 0012bA2.9
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