What is the right ontology for the anthropocene II: Object Oriented Ontology vs Feminist Materialism
Elena Tripaldi
Hinweise für Studierende
Informationen zur Anmeldung zu X-Student Research Groups finden Sie auf der Website der Berlin University Alliance.
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Modulbeschreibung: https://www.berlin-university-alliance.de/commitments/teaching-learning/sturop/research-groups/information/Modulbeschreibung_StuROPx_X-SRG_6LP.pdf SchließenKommentar
The Research Group is dedicated to the question: What is the right ontology of the Anthropocene? The question is at the center of the philosophical and critical debate on ecology, which shows that ontological biases with respect to what nature is, and how it works, influence the understanding and invention of “sustainable” interaction between humans and their environment.
In this course, we will focus on two of the main currently proposals in the debate: Timothy Morton’s Object-Oriented Ontology, and Rosi Braidotti’s and Jane Bennett’s Feminist Materialism. The outcomes of this research will be presented in a podcast we will record together. The course is open to all interested advanced BA and MA students. It will be my priority to create a respectful environment, in which differences in background and interdisciplinarity are regarded as a strength.
Institutional affiliation: Fachbereich Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften, Institut für Philosophie
Contact: elena.tripaldi@unipd.it
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