14118 Vorlesung

SoSe 24: East Asia in World Politics

Gwendolyn Domning

Hinweise für Studierende

Es wird höchstwahrscheinlich zu unregelmäßigen Terminen stattfinden. Einmal als Blockveranstaltung offline und einmal online Veranstaltung (auch wieder als Block). Das muss im Vorlesungsverzeichnis für die Studenten sichtbar sein. Ich werde das in die Seminarbeschreibung auf einpflegen, wenn ich die Informationen erhalten habe. Schließen


The primary objective of this course is to provide students with critical perspectives of various issues related to international relations in East Asia. Geographically, this course explores international relations of three East Asian countries, China, Japan, and Korea. Topics include national security, regional and global governance, civilizational/modernity politics, human rights, and the Korean Wave, and Nuclear North Korea. The central feature of this course is that we examine these various topics in the context of modern international order, which swept across the globe by the ascent of Europe. As such, we try to explore the question of how East Asian countries have coped with the West (Western values, power, economy, and so on) since the European expansion in the nineteenth century that broke apart the China-centered East Asian world order: they aspired to be like the West; they negated the West; and they challenged the West. This issue of how to deal with the West still continues and will continue into the foreseeable future. In so doing, this course is historically oriented as reflective of a Chinese proverb, “By searching the old, learn the new.” We would understand contemporary issues much better when we are able to historically contextualize them. In this spirit, contemporary issues will be analyzed in this course with historical and cultural sensibilities. Schließen

5 Termine

Zusätzliche Termine

Sa, 22.06.2024 09:15 - 15:15

Gwendolyn Domning

So, 23.06.2024 09:15 - 15:15

Gwendolyn Domning

Mo, 24.06.2024 14:15 - 16:15

Gwendolyn Domning

Regelmäßige Termine der Lehrveranstaltung

Fr, 31.05.2024 08:15 - 10:15

Gwendolyn Domning

Fr, 07.06.2024 08:15 - 10:15

Gwendolyn Domning

Fr, 14.06.2024 08:15 - 10:15

Gwendolyn Domning

Fr, 05.07.2024 08:15 - 11:15

Gwendolyn Domning

Fr, 12.07.2024 08:15 - 11:15

Gwendolyn Domning

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