WiSe 23/24: Physics and Chemistry of Sustainability – Renewable Energy
Holger Dau
Physics and Chemistry of Sustainability I – Renewable Energy
The goal of the course is to provide both (1) general knowledge of various CO2-neutral energy resources and (2) an introduction to research on solar energy utilization, electrical energy storage, and (electro)chemical energy conversion.
Lectures and tutorials will cover the following topics:
- Global energy fluxes, bioenergetics and climate change
- Converting solar energy to electricity (photovoltaics)
- Energy storage by batteries
- Electrochemical energy conversion for renewable fuel production
- Solar fuels (artificial photosynthesis)
- Transition of the energy system towards CO2 neutrality
The course is intended for students with a background in physics or chemistry and a keen interest in sustainability topics. It is planned that in the summer semester the course "Physics and Chemistry of Sustainability II" will be offered at the Department of Chemistry, dealing with further sustainability topics.
16 Termine
Zusätzliche Termine
Fr, 16.02.2024 14:00 - 16:00Regelmäßige Termine der Lehrveranstaltung