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The Chemistry Is Right

At the Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy special emphasis is put on the life sciences.

At the Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy special emphasis is put on the life sciences.
Image Credit: David Ausserhofer

At the Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy special emphasis is put on the life sciences. Its three institutes are linked with numerous non-university research facilities and offer excellent training and career opportunities.

News from May 13, 2014

At the Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry students are educated to become chemists (teaching option) and biochemists. A degree program in bioinformatics is offered jointly with the Institute of Computer Science. A structured doctoral program in molecular science is part of Dahlem Research School (DRS) and provides optimal conditions for completing a doctorate. The main fields of research of the Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry are structural formation, function and chemical reactivity, stereoselective and macromolecular synthesis, molecular and medical biochemistry, and structural biochemistry.

The Institute of Biology specializes primarily in molecular botany, microbiology, neurobiology, ecological processes, and animal and plant evolution and biodiversity in all its different expressions. Its researchers work closely with the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum, for example, in collaborative research through the Focus Area Dahlem Centre of Plant Sciences. The Plant Sciences graduate program was set up as part of DRS.

The Institute of Pharmacy of Freie Universität Berlin is the largest pharmaceutical training facility in Germany. In Berlin-Brandenburg Freie Universität is the only university that has the discipline of pharmacy. Teaching and research are carried out in the fields of pharmaceutical biology, pharmaceutical chemistry, clinical pharmacy, pharmacology, and pharmaceutical technology. The institute focuses on drug development and testing, the analysis of natural substances, alternative testing methods, and innovative drug delivery systems.

In addition to the Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy, there are eleven other academic departments and four central institutes at Freie Universität:

Academic Departments

Central Institutes