Cooperation with Schools
The Center for Cooperation with Schools (Zentrum für Schulkooperationen, ZfS) of Freie Universität Berlin forms the overall framework for all activities offered at Freie Universität for schools.
The ZfS makes contact with schools, establishes cooperative arrangements with schools, and offers a wide range of services and opportunities for various target groups:
All of these groups can turn to the ZfS for information, opportunities to pursue and develop their interests, and ways to expand upon their skills. Through its work with scholars, scientists, and educators from a range of different disciplines, the ZfS is constantly developing new ideas to promote cooperation with schools, childcare centers, and other educational institutions. It also offers an extensive calendar of events.
The ZfS is responsible for acquisition, coordination, and expansion of all events, for establishing and maintaining contacts, and for acting as an interface between those involved in academia and schools in the Berlin and Brandenburg area.
Experiencing Academia and Developing Early Interest
Several thousand elementary and secondary students, teachers, and members of the public with academic and scientific interests attend the many events offered at Freie Universität each year. Events range from hands-on classes and experimentation courses for school classes to continuing education and professional development offerings for teachers and teaching credential students and even large-scale public events like the “Long Night of the Sciences.” Events are held in nearly every discipline – the natural sciences, mathematics, and computer science are represented alongside education, earth sciences, and law.
The special activities of Freie Universität include the option of guest auditing courses in the natural sciences at no charge. Students with particular interests can take classes here even before they are permitted to attend higher education and have those classes counted toward their studies later ons
The inFU-Tage information series also provides extensive information for prospective students about opportunities to study at Freie Universität.