Fees & Funding
Except for some graduate or postgraduate programs, the Freie Universität Berlin does not charge tuition fees; students are merely responsible for paying certain fees and charges each semester.These fees and contributions are subject to change.
Your living costs mainly depend, of course, on your personal requirements and habits. You should count on spending a minimum of 934 Euro (rental fees, grocery, leisure time etc.). In order to obtain an entry visa or a residence permit for study purposes, you must prove that this monthly amount is at your disposal, independent of any job.
Degree program students with a residence permit for study purposes are allowed to work for a maximum of 120 days (or 240 half days) per year. Jobs as a student tutor at the university do not count.
Students receiving grants are not allowed to work.
Detailed information on funding for international students in Germany may be obtained from a database of the German Academic Exchange Service. The Freie Universität Berlin does not award any grants or scholarships. Information about support of junior scholars is provided on the webpages of Freie Universität.
Students who are not German nationals will obtain grants according to federal legislation (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz/ BAföG) only in exceptional cases.