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Health Insurance

All students must have proof of full health insurance coverage for the respective semester/year before they can enroll at a German university.

Students from EU / EEA countries and Switzerland

Please bring along proof of health insurance (European Health Insurance Card or temporary certificate) from the health insurance in your home country. This proof of health insurance must then be accepted by AOK (“Campus Point Freie Universität”) or by any other state-regulated health insurance company in Germany.

Important: Please make sure that your health insurance is valid for the entire semester for which you wish to enroll. At Freie Universität Berlin the winter semester runs from October 1 through March 31, and the summer semester from April 1 through September 30. If you stay for the entire academic year, you must make sure that your proof of insurance from your home country is valid for two semesters (Oct. 1 through Sept. 30). Without the proper dates, neither the AOK nor any other German state-regulated health insurence company will accept your insurance proof and you will not be enrolled at Freie Universität Berlin.

Students from other countries

Public Health Insurance

If you are under 30 years of age and do not have a  health insurance from your home country you must purchase a state-regulated health insurance in Germany. It costs about € 120.- per month.

In some cases, it is not possible to acquire the state-regulated health insurance. In this instance, we recommend private health insurance policies.

Private Health Insurance

Students who have provided for insurance abroad in their home country, or students holding a German private health insurance contract, have to get an exemption from the state-regulated German health insurance at one of the insurance companies' branches in Berlin in order to have their own insurance recognized. In cases of illness, the insurance conditions fixed in your insurance policy contract are effective.

Exemption from a German state-regulated health insurance is not revocable.