Fees and contributions for exchange students
Semesterticket and Social Fees
Every student at Freie Universität Berlin is required to pay for the Semesterticket. The student ID card bears a forge-proof hologram (Semesterticket ) and is valid for one semester (six months) as a ticket for the public transport system within the zones A, B, C of Berlin-Brandenburg. It is only valid in connection with a passport or an identification card with a photo.
The price for the Semesterticket is renegotiated every year with the public transport company and is currently about 260 EUR. Still, the price is far less expensive than six monthly tickets for zones A, B, and C.
Students leaving Freie Universität Berlin at least two months before the semester ends can be refunded for the months not used. They hand in their student ID cards / semester tickets, when they go to the Studierendenverwaltung for exmatriculation. The refund is then effected by the Semesterticket Office of the AStA.
Social Fees
Every student at Freie Universität Berlin is also required to pay social fees (Sozialgebühren) currently about 65 EUR. These are neither study nor registration fees. Rather, they go toward the Studierendenwerk, and to the AStA (Allgemeiner Studentenausschuss). The Studierendenwerk deals with food and lodging, it manages the residence halls (Wohnheime) as well as the canteens (Mensen) at the university. The AStA, as the student union, deals with all aspects of student life.
The card to pay for these fees can be obtained during the opening hours at the Student Exchange Office. There you will receive further information on where to pay the fees.