National Code of Conduct
National Code of Conduct for German Universities Regarding International Students
In November 2009, the General Meeting of the German Rectors' Conference adopted a National Code of Conduct for German Universities Regarding International Students.
The Code of Concuct aims to establish a set of common minimum standards in the field of "Information and Marketing, Admissions, Supervision, Support and Advice, plus Follow-up Services", on which international students can rely. The guiding principle is, wherever possible, to grant international students the same rights as are available to German or EU students and, over and above this, to offer them the services and assistance that they particularly need as foreign guests.
Freie Universität Berlin is a signatory of the Code of Conduct since February 2010.
Further information:
Information brochure of German Rector's Conference
Further information for international students in Germany:
German Rectors' Conference / Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK):
German Academic Exchange Service / Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst:
Federal Ministry of Education and Research / Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs / Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK):
Accreditation Council / Akkreditierungsrat:
German National Association for Student Affairs / Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW):
Federal Union of International Students in Germany / Bundesverband Ausländischer Studierender:
A list of all relevant links on education, science and research, and life and living in Germany can be obtained from the DAAD at