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On the afternoon of October 10, 2016, a delegation led by Prof. Brigitta Schütt, Vice-President of Freie Universität Berlin visited the Peking University's School of Urban and Environmental Sciences to participate in the symposium organized by the Department of Urban and Regional Management and the School of Government.

Prof. He Canfei, Executive Vice Dean of the School of Urban and Environmental Sciences, hosted the meeting and gave an introduction on the various research fields covered by his school. The seminar focused on the theme of "sustainable development and green campus".

In a first part of the workshop the academic interests and current teaching projects were introduced. Prof. Li shared his research recently published in the journal ‘Nature’ on the "Contribution of China's Emission to Global Radiation Forcing". Prof. Philipp Lepenies, interim director of the Environmental Policy Research Center of FUB introduced his findings on indicators such as the GDP influencing the discourse about sustainable development. Professor Xue Ling’s contribution from the perspective of regional planning and management introduced Beijing as an example for urban development and related sustainability issues in China. Dr. Andrea Kölbel from the Human Geography Department of FUB presented the various research projects in her department with a special focus on transnational migration and e-learning opportunities. Professor Zhou Feng introduced the progress of academic research on global runoff in hydrography. The talks made clear that the interests in the field of sustainable development are wide-spread at both universities and that there are several common academic interests in low-carbon development, water management, humanities and governance research.
In the second part of the workshop the group focused on the topic of the university as a ‘living lab’, green campus projects and innovative teaching formats. Andreas Wanke, head of the unit for sustainability and energy management highlighted the technical and managerial practices explored by FUB in building a low-carbon campus and examined the practical effects of these measures. Prof. Tong provided insights into her teaching experience in industrial ecology, where she encourages students to develop green campus research projects. Professor Lv Bin, a major participant in the "Green Campus" project of Peking University, gave a detailed introduction to the progress of the "green campus" planning and construction, as well as the challenges encountered in the project implementation and the experience of overcoming the difficulties. On the basis of these presentations, all participants agreed to promote the exchange and learning between the two parties through student exchange program and cooperative research.

Both parties agreed to share the syllabus for English courses to enhance student exchange in the field of sustainability, to develop a joint workshop for the Peking University International Summer School and to use the UAS funding to encourage short-term lectureships at both partner universities. In the long-term deeper cooperation in form of a dual master degree with a focus on sustainability in envisioned.  Both universities look forward to a fruitful cooperation in sustainable development and green campus construction.